M100 Plus
The Benefits
Get full online access to M100, M02, M07, and M11 with added functionality and fast, easy data searching in an electronic format. Plus, you’ll have the added benefit of quick access to related materials via an AST Resource Center.
M100 Plus is built to work the way you do—efficiently and in the laboratory. This online implementation of CLSI's most widely recognized AST standards provides the latest recommendations for detecting emerging resistance, all arranged in an easy-to-use, interactive, and searchable format. Plus, you’ll have the added benefit of quick access to related materials via an exclusive AST Resource Center.
- Quickly access M100 information in the laboratory—all you need is a Web connection.
- Dynamically search for tables, organisms, and agents.
- View only the information you want to see.
- Bookmark and make notes within the documents, and print material for your convenience.
- Easily find additional CLSI AST standards and guidelines within the AST Resource Center.
Nonmember Price: $500.00
Member discounts apply!